Private Flute Lesson Registration
Attendance and Payment Policies
- Lesson Fees are due at or before the first lesson of each month and cover monthly Studio Utility Fees, Recital Costs, and Instructor Availability. Lesson Fees are $30 per thirty minute lesson. Online payment is available via Paypal.
- The number of lessons may vary between 2-4 each month, but most months have 3 lessons due to Dr. Mosley's travel schedule. Summer lessons are optional.
- Make-Up Lessons will be scheduled if Dr. Mosley must cancel the lesson for any reason. Please notify her of any email or cell phone updates throughout the year so she can get in touch with you quickly in the case of an instructor illness or emergency.
- Absence Philosophy - Lessons may be canceled if timely notification is made before the absence. Students who cancel three or more lessons in a row for non-emergency reasons may be dismissed from the studio.
- Instructor Expectations - Students are expected to attend each lesson with a working instrument and assigned materials. If their flute is being repaired notify Dr. Mosley so she may provide a short-term loaner flute for that week (subject to availability).